January 22-28 (Dane County Big Year)

Extremely busy work week. Not much birding, but Sunday was a pretty good birding day! Definitely recommend watching the video to see some of the cuteness that can’t be fully captured in photos.

Monday, January 22, 2024

No birding. Migraine.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

No birding.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

No birding. Very busy with work. Two work events this week!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

No birding.

Friday, January 26, 2024

No birding.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

No birding.

Red-shouldered Hawk (immature)


Sunday, January 28, 2024

I got to go birding this week, finally!

I’ve been chasing a Long-tailed Duck this entire month. It is finally somewhere that seems reliable and easy to find. The Lower Yahara River Trail boardwalk can be accessed two ways. Through McDaniel Park from the south and through Lake Farm County Park from the north. I trudged through the snow with a full wagon the night before for work, so I took the easy route of walking on just the boardwalk from McDaniel Park.

When I get to the spot of open water (closer to Lake Farm County Park), a couple mentions to me that they see an “odd” looking duck. Perfect! The Long-tailed Duck was sleeping on the ice. I also watch Canada Geese roll around in the water like dogs (never seen that before) and the cutest Muskrats cuddled up with each other.

Next stop is Jaeger Park. When in McFarland in the winter, go to Jaeger Park and Babcock County Park. The water doesn’t fully freeze over there and they’re decent places to check on waterfowl.

There have been a few Red-shouldered Hawk sightings nearby, so I decide to head over to Lake Kegonsa State Park. Sightings claimed there was an immature and an adult in the area. I had my doubts of seeing one, but I tried anyways. Lucky enough, I saw the immature Red-shouldered Hawk sitting on a very open branch right around where the previous sightings was from that morning.

Dane County Species: 52

Time Birded Today: 77 minutes (1.28 hours)

Distance Birded Today: 2 miles (this doesn’t include the driving around I did at Lake Kegonsa State Park… hmmm maybe this data point isn’t that worth while to track).

Hotspots Visited:

Lower Yahara River Trail boardwalk, Jaeger Park, Lake Kegonsa State Park

eBird Trip Report (January 22-28)

Week 4 Trip Report

Check out my video for this week:

Benjamin Lam