Week 4 Summary
Week 4
2019 Total: 92 Species 2019 Lifers: 1
Highlight Birds: Clapper Rail, Black-crowned Night Heron
January 20 (Sunday)
For birds, this Sunday was pretty lack luster.
The Super Blood Wolf Moon was an interesting event though. I honestly didn’t know about this happening until a few hours before the eclipse started, so I wasn’t even planning to go out and take photos of the moon until the very last red phase. It was cold and super windy. I attempted to take a photo every ten minutes, but I decided sitting out in the cold for the 1.5 hours wasn’t going to be worth it to me in the end, so I sporadically peaked out to get these shots. The moon was basically directly overhead of me. My tripod wouldn’t let me shoot straight up, so my settings weren’t ideal. I even switched my camera and had to place it on my face and hold still with a 1.5 second shutter speed. Not ideal, but I’ve never taken photos of the moon and I learned some things. As cool as it was, i think the highlight of the night was a very slow moving meteor.
January 21 (Monday), January 22 (Tuesday)
These were very cold and windy days. There wasn’t much activity going on.
January 23 (Wednesday)
Wednesday was a surprising day for my list. I thought it would just be another dull day of birding, but I went out to do a water run for our aquariums at work. We went out to a local boat landing and as we were pulling in, a clapper rail flew across the road in front of us. While we were trying to find the rail to get a better look at it, we found a juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron! We got really good looks at the night heron, but I didn’t have my camera with me, unfortunately.
January 24 (Thursday), January 25 (Friday), January 26 (Saturday)
The tail end of the week was pretty slow overall. Not much to note.