Week 7 Summary
2019 Total: 103 2019 Lifers: 2
Highlight Birds: Green-winged Teal, Savannah Sparrow
February 10 (Sunday)
A nice visit to the refuge that rewarded me with some common species that just took me awhile to find. Finally picked up my Green-winged Teals and Savannah Sparrows.
Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)
February 11 (Monday) - February 16 (Saturday)
Slow week for birding, but a great weekend with friends.
My goal of at least one checklist a day has changed to just a total of 365 checklists for the year. Sometimes there are just more important things going on and you can’t take even that 10 minutes to bird out of the day.
Happy Birding!
Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata)